Plus: Lazy leaders and heroic managers
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The Leadership Agenda
Where nature is in peril, these industries are too
For companies that depend heavily on natural ecosystems, nature loss is a problem as urgent as climate change. And no business is immune to the risk.
s+b essential reading
Lazy leaders and heroic managers
Strategic transformation failures are often blamed on middle managers, but the real culprit is executives not delivering on three key issues.
by Elsbeth Johnson
The Leadership Agenda
Climate tech funding is down. Time for a bold move?
After a boom, investment in startups has dropped, presenting unexpected opportunities for investors and C-suite leaders at the forefront of climate innovation.
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Why human resources chiefs are reaching the corner office

The ability to manage people at scale is more relevant than ever to the CEO role.

by James Ashton

How fearless organizations succeed

Amy Edmondson describes three steps leaders can take to create psychological safety, the prerequisite for greater innovation and growth.

by Amy C. Edmondson

You can’t benchmark culture

Your company’s ideal behavioral strengths are unique, and shouldn’t be borrowed or copied—not even from a high-performance enterprise.

by Jon Katzenbach and Alice Zhou

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