Plus: Proving you're ready to lead
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s+b essential reading
Accelerating performance in a winner-takes-most world
Top-performing companies use mutually reinforcing investments to create non-linear advantage. Everyone else is just playing catch-up.
by Lang Davison, Mohamed Kande, and Wayne Borchardt
s+b essential reading
Leap to leader: Make yourself heard
In his book, Adam Bryant shares tactics that up-and-coming leaders can use to prove they are ready for the next challenge.
by Adam Bryant
Stat of the week
Predicted amount of assets under management by robo-advisors by 2027
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Lazy leaders and heroic managers

Strategic transformation failures are often blamed on middle managers, but the real culprit is executives not delivering on three key issues.

by Elsbeth Johnson

Why human resources chiefs are reaching the corner office

The ability to manage people at scale is more relevant than ever to the CEO role.

by James Ashton

Why do large projects go over budget?

A study of more than 100 years of infrastructure megaprojects reveals a consistent pattern of challenges at their core.

by Daniel Akst

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