Plus: Corporate “power changers”
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s+b essential reading
Climate leadership wanted: How CEOs can better meet investor expectations
PwC research suggests that CEOs are less concerned about climate change and less effective at confronting its risks and opportunities than investors would like. Forward-thinking CEOs can lift their standing with shareholders by using these findings to take action.
by Emma Cox, Will Jackson-Moore, and Nadja Picard
Corporate “power changers”
The April issue of s+b explores how companies can reduce their energy consumption by 31% by decade’s end and save a cool US$2 trillion a year—without sacrificing growth.
The Leadership Agenda
Think climate risks aren’t your problem? Think again
The companies that will thrive in the face of rapid climate change are those that make adapting to it a top priority.
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Reimagining consumer insights at PepsiCo

Stephan Gans, PepsiCo’s Chief Consumer Insights and Analytics Officer, wants to bake real-time, data-rich insights into the food-and-beverage giant’s commercial decision-making processes.

by Vishal Garg and Tom Fleming

Daniel Kahneman: The Thought Leader interview

The Nobel Prize–winning economist parses the roles of emotion, cognition, and perception in the understanding of business risk.

by Michael Schrage

Jargon monoxide, friction fixers, and the meeting that could have been an email

Organizational psychologist and best-selling author Robert Sutton discusses companies’ obstacles and catalysts for getting things done.

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