Learn how to evaluate market attractiveness; manage the tradeoff between risk and information in the product development process; think about the design and management of distribution channels; and understand complex pricing decisions. Next session June 11-12. Learn more >
Hap Klopp’s Required Reading. The founder of The North Face recommends four books for building great brands. by Theodore Kinni
Emerging markets need a fundamental reversal in approach. The conventional wisdom advocates implementing large-scale economic and institutional reforms that shape the overall business and political environment. It would be more effective to selectively use reform initiatives tailored to each country’s unique mix of business dynamics and industries, to improve domestic firms’ resources and capabilities at each stage of a country’s economic development.
“We underestimate the potential contributions of our neurotic colleagues. But our anxious, withdrawn colleagues will surprise and impress us.” — UCLA Anderson School of Management professor Corinne Bendersky
The Other “F” Word: An Interview with John Danner
The Berkeley professor and his coauthor say companies can no longer afford to treat failure like a dirty secret they have to hide. by Eric J. McNulty
The $112 Billion CEO Succession Problem
Poor planning for changes in leadership costs companies dearly. Getting it right is worth more than you might think by Ken Favaro, Per-Ola Karlsson, and Gary L. Neilson
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