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The Digital Tool Landscape

As part of the 2013 Global Innovation 1000 study, Booz & Company surveyed executives at more than 350 companies around the world to learn more about the digital tools that are transforming innovation. Our results show that at the development phase, productivity tools have reached maturity—most are widely used and effective. In other phases, particularly the front end of the innovation process, companies are experimenting with new marketing and customer insight tools that have game-changing potential.

Circle Size = Tool Usage
TOOL USAGE: Reported usage among survey respondents.
Tap circles for more details
Market and Customer Insight Enablers
MARKET AND CUSTOMER INSIGHT ENABLERS: Digital tools, many of which are emerging or just now reaching maturity, that enable companies to gather a better and deeper understanding of customers’ needs.
Productivity Enablers
PRODUCTIVITY ENABLERS: Digital tools with a long track record of helping companies boost the efficiency of their innovation processes—particularly at the back end when they are developing products.
Source:The Global Innovation 1000: Navigating the Digital Future,” by Barry Jaruzelski, John Loehr, and Richard Holman.