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Personal Ethics in the Corporate World

In today’s high-pressure work environment, it is not unusual for conflicts to arise between our values as individuals and the compromises that we must make for our organizations. Overcoming these challenges may mean taking a broader view of our work and focusing less on traditional notions of “winning.” Such efforts are worthwhile: The corporate world can be the best vantage point from which to pursue and achieve larger goals, such as unlocking human potential or improving society. Here’s how to “deal with the devil” — to confront the moral tensions inherent in corporate life and come out with our ethics intact.

(originally published by Booz & Company)


Illustration by Lars Leetaru

This online event took place on:

Thursday, October 25, 2007
1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

In today’s high-pressure work environment, it is not unusual for conflicts to arise between our values as individuals and the compromises that we must make for our organizations. Overcoming these challenges may mean taking a broader view of our work and focusing less on traditional notions of “winning.” Such efforts are worthwhile: The corporate world can be the best vantage point from which to pursue and achieve larger goals, such as unlocking human potential or improving society. Here’s how to “deal with the devil” — to confront the moral tensions inherent in corporate life and come out with our ethics intact.


Elizabeth Doty is an organizational consultant, a 12-year veteran of the hotel industry, a Harvard MBA, and a “recovering reengineer.” Her firm, WorkLore, applies systems thinking, simulation, and storytelling for clients in manufacturing, high tech, financial services, educational testing, and real estate operations. 


Webinar materials / further reading: