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The Fast-Changing Face of U.S. Healthcare: A Primer

Looking to get up to speed on the far-reaching changes in the U.S. healthcare landscape? These resources will help.

(originally published by Booz & Company)

The launch of the federal health insurance marketplace last week represented more than the first visible manifestation of the Affordable Care Act. It was a symbolic moment in the future of U.S. healthcare, one that’s drawing attention to the broad metamorphosis of every stage of the healthcare value chain—from payors to providers to patients. To gain your footing in the key issues, we recommend the following resources:

Power to the Patient: The Implications of Health Exchanges (Booz & Company video)

The Idea in 90 Seconds


Putting an I in Healthcare (strategy+business)
The days of the disengaged health consumer are numbered. Consumerization will transform healthcare systems, involving individuals as never before in the management of their own care.

The Faster New World of Healthcare (strategy+business)
Regulatory reform and IT advances are accelerating the “clockspeed” in healthcare. To compete, insurers will need to focus on three key areas.

Has National Scale Worn Out Its Advantages for Health Systems? (strategy+business)
Size may no longer be enough to win in the increasingly margin compressed hospital industry.

A Strategist’s Guide to Personalized Medicine (strategy+business)
Breakthroughs in pharmaceutical innovation are poised to change the prevailing business model of the industry—with dramatic effects on healthcare costs and practice.

The Emergence of Private Health Insurance Exchanges: Fueling the “Consumerization” of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance (Booz & Company)
Health insurance in the United States is at the cusp of a major transition from an employer-driven payor model to a model directly involving many more employees and consumers. We consider the impact of this change on the payor industry and the strategic approach that leading companies need to take.

Private Health Exchanges: Where Are We Headed? Developing an Exchange Strategy by Employer Segment (Booz & Company)
Now that private exchanges are entering the market, the large employers that most exchanges are targeting may not be the most attractive. Instead, payors need to design strategies that consider the value to individual employer segments and factor in new players, new ways to play, and new risks.

Keep watching this space for more of the latest thinking on the evolution of healthcare.

Paul Michelman

Paul Michelman is editor-in-chief at Safari Books Online, and was formerly executive editor of strategy+business.