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Best of Multimedia: Bitcoin’s Turbulent History

An interactive look at the highs and lows surrounding the controversial digital currency.

(originally published by Booz & Company)

Despite its reputation in some circles as a rogue currency operating in a market for illegal goods and services, bitcoin is emerging as a way to buy everyday stuff. Companies such as, Etsy, and even Virgin Galactic are now using bitcoin to transact payments with consumers, and eBay and PayPal are considering using it as an accepted payment method in the near future. 

This interactive graphic developed by Rob Lons, cofounder of Bitcoin Web Hosting, breaks down the currency’s brief history—from its supposed creation in 2007 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto to the January 2014 arrest of Charlie Shrem, Bitcoin Foundation’s vice chairman, on money-laundering charges. When I last looked, the timeline was still missing the recent implosion of bitcoin exchange giant Mt. Gox, but you can subscribe to receive updates as new events are added.

History of Bitcoin: The World's First Decentralized Currency

Click here to view the interactive graphic.

Charity Delich

Charity J. Delich is the marketing & public relations manager of strategy+business.