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Issue 60, Autumn 2010

Cover story

In this issue

The Megacommunity Approach to Tackling the World’s Toughest Problems, Charles Landry Knows What Makes Cities Great: Distinction, Variety, and Flow


  • Big Oil and the Natural Gas Bonanza

    by Christopher Click, Andrew Clyde, and John Corrigan
    The oil majors hope to make major money in natural gas, but can they learn to operate two distinct types of businesses under one roof?
  • A Gandhian Approach to R&D

    by Abhishek Malhotra, Art Kleiner, and Laura W. Geller
    Scientist and scholar Raghunath Mashelkar explains a new model of innovation from India that benefits the world’s poor.
  • Strategy by Design

    by Hugo Trepant and Daniel Newman
    Enterprise architecture can eliminate the gap between an organization’s technology and its business model.
  • At Zappos, Culture Pays

    by Dick Richards
    The thriving Internet shoe retailer has made its name and a lot of money by being eccentric.
  • Theory U and Theory T

    by Matthew Stewart
    Thoughts on the 50th anniversary of one of the most influential contributions to management theory.
  • Health Insurance Gets Personal

    by Ashish Kaura, David S. Levy, and Minoo Javanmardian
    As reform legislation makes the U.S. healthcare industry more consumer-centric, companies will need to change their business models and add new capabilities.


  • Listen First, Comment Later

    by Matt Palmquist
    When new information is introduced at the start of a meeting and opinions are held until the end, groups make smarter choices.
  • When It Pays to Stay in School

    by Matt Palmquist
    Students who enter the job market while the economy is strong find success earlier and earn higher wages throughout their careers than those who join the workforce during a down economy.
  • Doing Well by Doing Bad

    by Matt Palmquist
    Successful firms are more likely to break the law when their managers are under tremendous pressure to exceed quarterly goals.
  • The Psychology of Consumer Choice

    by Matt Palmquist
    Advertisements can subconsciously condition consumers to associate products with a certain feeling, which can affect the decision to buy.
  • Leaving Money on the Table

    by Matt Palmquist
    Performance-based compensation plans can appeal to both employees and employers, but for different reasons.