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Issue 55, Summer 2009

Cover story

  • CEO Succession 2008: Stability in the Storm

    by Per-Ola Karlsson and Gary L. Neilson
    Booz & Company’s annual survey of chief executive arrivals and departures shows that the financial crisis has held down the rate of CEO turnover — for now.

In this issue

The Trouble with Brands, Dov Frohman Leads the Hard Way, How To Shut Down A Project Gracefully, and More


  • $950 Billion in Extra Capital

    by Barry Jaruzelski, Conrad Winkler, and Eric Dustman
    Strategies to improve working capital deficiencies and unearth excess cash from corporate balance sheets.
  • Toyota’s IT Transformation

    by Barbra Cooper
    The information systems group at Toyota Motor Sales USA Inc. has moved from an "order-taker" role to "next-generation demand management” in an effort to meet overall corporate needs.
  • How to Shut Down a Project Gracefully

    by Rita Gunther McGrath
    Companies that rely on innovation for growth must learn to live with failure. But lack of commercial success does not have to be a terrible result.
  • The Promise of Private-label Media

    by Matthew Egol, Leslie H. Moeller, and Christopher Vollmer
    A direct-to-consumer media strategy can help companies build brands and reach consumers in new ways.
  • Reframing Your Business Equation

    by Tim Laseter and M. Eric Johnson
    Companies and industries are often driven by implicit formulas. Questioning their validity can lead to breakthroughs.
  • The Challenges of Balance

    by Joe Saddi, Karim Sabbagh, and Richard Shediac
    In their quest to build sustainable economies, the Gulf states of the Middle East are learning to manage opposing forces.


  • Esther Dyson: The Thought Leader Interview

    by Art Kleiner
    A long-standing champion of high-tech innovation foresees a fundamental shift toward more transparent institutions and a more relationship-driven economy.
  • Epics of Enterprise

    by Milton Moskowitz
    A connoisseur of corporate histories conducts a guided tour of the favorites in his collection.
  • The Downside of Choice

    by Bridget Finn and Michal Lev-Ram
    Customers are often dissatisfied with their purchases when faced with too many products.