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Issue 85, Winter 2016

strategy+business magazine: Issue 85 Winter 2016

Cover story

Leading Ideas


  • Technology

    The New Game of Global Tech

    by Olaf Acker, Florian Groene, and Germar Schroeder
    As distinctions dissolve among the hardware, software, services, and telecom sectors, companies are changing how they compete.
  • Marketing, Media & Sales

    The Marketer’s Dilemma

    by Christopher Vollmer, Kristina Bennin, and Deborah Bothun
    To stay relevant, all participants in the vast marketing ecosystem must develop new capabilities.

Best Business Books 2016

Thought Leaders

  • Thought Leaders

    Pro-LGBT Companies in Anti-LGBT Countries

    by Art Kleiner
    A global study coauthored by NYU law professor Kenji Yoshino found a range of business benefits in promoting gender-identity rights.

Recent Research

  • s+b Blogs

    Serendipity in the Cloud

    by Matt Palmquist
    Shifting from physical to virtual data platforms can reduce companies’ costs and improve sustainability.